Sunday, November 16, 2014

40 things I am thankful for today.

Today was a really good day. I actually expected it to be a long, stressful, bad day.  I didn't deserve this at all. I'm reminded of CJ Maheny-  that when asked how he is doing, he often says, "better than I deserve." I am a great sinner and often wonder why He would choose me at all, except that His Grace shines so brightly through this cracked pot. And the older I get, the more I need Him.

I wanted to write out thankful blogposts each day, but that is not going to happen. So today, here's what I am thankful for:

1. Getting to work in the hospital this week with good residents who have great attitudes.
2. My 100 year old lady patient with heart failure who stroked my hair today and told me I was the cutest nurse she had ever seen.
3. Getting to work with one intern on his very first month of inpatient service and encourage him after 2 really discouraging weeks.
4 Watch that intern round on 10 patients by himself and do a pretty good job
5. Getting to work with a good friend who happens to be the senior resident on this week.
6. Rounding on 21 patients and still being home by 3pm.
7. Not having any OB the last 2 days!
8. Having a good vaginal delivery a few days ago, ...after pushing for 3 hours most everyone thought she would for sure go to c-section, but she didn't!
9. Watching it snow outside my window in a warm house with scented candles and hot tea
10. Coming home to this same warm house smelling like cinnamon buns that my roommate baked.
11. Eating those cinnamon buns and laughing with awesome roommate
12. My dad telling me be had the best date with my mom fishing and she had a great time.
13. Having baked chicken for dinner.
14. Having the opportunity to prepare and give a lecture on evangelism/sharing the gospel for the interns on Tuesday and also being able to prepare and give a lecture on interpreting EKGs on Wednesday. (Lord, please prepare my heart for this and use these to equip them to better serve you).
15. Getting to live so close to the hospital.
16. That You love me as I am, but promise to not leave me the way I am.
17. For my little brother who loves You so much
18. For godly doctors to learn from
19. for David Crowder worship music playing from an iPhone that i didn't pay for.
20. for my soft bed.
21. For green things
22. For really thoughtful and smart friend who help me reason through things and exercise my brain.
23. for a roommate who is talented worship leader and fills our home with songs of worship.
24. That God is going to take me home someday to be with Him. all the difficult things on this side in light of eternity will be like to one inconvenient night's stay in a bad hotel. then I can go home.
25. for chocolate bons bons in this bad hotel.
26. for trees
27. For His Spirit that lives in me.
28. for the baked chicken I am about to eat.
29. for a high metabolism
30. that God actually hears me when I pray to Him and I can ask Him for anything I want…and He will give me what is good even if the answer is no to what I asked for.
31. for this nice computer to type on
32. For working internet
33. For being Chinese and being able to eat almost everything…so far.
35. for soft PJs
36. that none of the patients died today and are overall generally getting better.
37. That when there are mean people in my life who don't like me, I can pray for them and it really makes it a lot better
38. for this song that is playing right now, saying "when everything falls apart…You are only Hope for this heart" and that it is true.
39. for fuzzy socks
40. that You will work out all things (even the painful and broken parts) for my good..someday. and You are strong enough to do it and keep that promise.

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