Saturday, March 14, 2015

the disturbing truth.

A window into this week.

She looks so put together, volunteers with the PTA, attends a multiple Bible studies every week.  She told me she found her husband in bed with another woman. She refused to sleep with him for about a year and then he raped her. They are in the middle of divorce now.

He is a self made millionaire. Then he fell from a hot tub and 8 back surgeries later, he is still in chronic pain. daily takes pain and anxiety medication doses that would kill many people. He says he has been taken care of by the best doctors in the country but no one can help him.

He has terrible uncontrolled diabetes and can't afford his insulin. He works night shift from 9pm to 8am, then another day shift from 1-7pm. He sleeps 3 hours a day. He is struggling to support his family and his newly adopted grandchild.

She is newly married but in a marriage with "open relationships" with other people. She is a doctor. She says she is happy but can't stop crying when I pray for her.

He came to every prenatal appointment as I cared for his pregnant wife and delivered their second child. I care for his entire family and he always seemed so rational. Then I get a letter from a psychiatric hospital. He tried to kill his wife and children.  When interviewed he says, "I think about it often and there are many ways I could do it."

Oh Lord, you are the Savior, and I am not. You love these people.  You bring life out of ashes.  Teach me what to do with the disturbing truths these people carry to me. Teach me to roll them into your strong hands. It is too much for me. You are the Savior and I am not. 

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