Friday, February 27, 2015

Redeeming the Movies

My friend told me he tries to find a redeeming value in every movie- some deeper life message or a "God message". I don't watch many movies these days but I recently flew overseas and had a nearly 50 hours of traveling time-… so I admit I watched… umm 6 movies on the plane. Here's to hyper-spiritualizing some of them.

GODZILLA- great movie! monsters fighting monsters while mankind is attacked and is powerless to stop them or protect themselves.  Message- We all have monsters in our life. they are far too powerful for us to defeat on our own. all my greatest weapons and fleshly A-bombs are like throwing pebbles at a dinosaur. Only something else - supernatural and out of this world - can kill it. stop trying to kill your own monsters people. you can't do it on your own. 

BIG HERO 6- great movie! message- even good people can be corrupted easily. Also - some things you thought were dead (like the daughter) might not really be dead in the end. 

so you who stand take heed that you do not fall. and for those who are down- take courage- He speaks to dead bones and can make them live again!

INCEPTION- another great movie! (I've really been missing out). Don't live in dreamland, Live in reality. stop living in dream-land Jennifer. stop holding onto the past. it's only breaking your heart all over again. ::sigh::  choose truth. 

IRON MAN 3. love the unlovely.  Sometimes I look at godly, highly influential and passionate people and think -  where would they be if it weren't for that sunday school teacher or faithful mother or friend who spoke grace to them at some point.  Were it not for the saving Grace of God in their life, how different their life would have been.  All that passion and zeal for God and righteousness would have just as easily been for evil and vanity. also, hurting people hurt people. love the unlovely, see those who no body sees. 

TEENAGE MUTANT NIJNA TURTLES - the Devil parades like an angel of light. watch out. he's so tricky and just wants to kill, steal and destroy you. pursue truth in your inmost being. 

on a side note, now you know my taste in movies. 

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