Monday, October 13, 2014

Starting Over Again

Step 1. Repent.
As you are. bring your filthy rags...
and Come.  Come home. Come Messy.
Just Come.

You are Guilty. Don't deny it.
For this He died. You nailed him there.
Hold your hands up, sinner -
and Receive His Grace
Spilled over You
in the precious death of His perfect Son.
the Son of God. killed for you.

It is Enough beloved.
His death is enough
for you.

because You were dead but now you are Alive
Open Your Eyes, once blind
see your crippled legs are healed

Step Out. of the shadowlands
Rise up, Arise!
See the prostitute clothed in white
and given a new name
and a garland of praise on her head
He intends to make her His Bride

His banner over her is love.

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