Thursday, October 23, 2014

12am text

My little brother sent me this text at 12:43 am:

"Went to men's ministry breakfast--the elder challenged the men to view their walk with God as a relationship rather than a checklist. That is, our spiritual health ought to be viewed in terms of our relationship with God. Are we growing more intimate with Him, more knowledgable and in love with Him, more desirous to please Him? This was very helpful for me in this sorta dry time feeling like something has been off."

I was so encouraged by this as well. Even though I like my job, I've been feeling a bit burned out with  the longer hours since we are short staffed. But today, thinking about this actually made me excited about going to work. I had a thought "Well God, here we go today" and I really felt like he was sitting in the car with me and we were going to have a great day together…solely because we were together.

On another note, it is exactly 1 month out and I am still sad.

I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits
and in His word I put my hope.

He is the Balm of Gilead.

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