I prayed for many years for a husband who loved God, loved people, and loved God's word. I just want to note here how thankful I am to God for answering this in my life today. We are both still in progress but here are a few things I am treasuring in my heart right now.
Watching my husband lead a discovery Bible Study at Hermann Park for our local homeless friends, even when it's awkward for him.
Seeing his offer to lead small group Bible study when no one else signs up.
Watching him sneak over to my neighbor's apartment while they are in India to wash all their dishes. He had driven them to the airport and this was brought to light in their hurried rush to leave.
He gets up early (around 5:30Am) to spend time with God and read his Bible and pray in our bathroom closet since there's nowhere else that won't wake people up to be in the morning.
He is reading John Piper with his brother every week.
He got up early on my day off to take care of our 2-year-old, give him breakfast, dress him and bring him to daycare so I could sleep in a little bit more today.