Monday, December 11, 2017

Dreams, murderers and Jesus...

I had a terribly violent but remarkable dream. I was in a clothing store and suddenly there were groups of armed militant men from the Middle East filling the store. The store became darker and I hid behind some clothing while the men began killing everyone in the store, including one of my best friends who was with me. I was able to escape and somehow discovered that my parents also had been killed. I was running and found myself in a dark room. Suddenly there He was- Jesus- standing in front of me with light around Him- and he reached out and embraced me with the most comforting hug. I remember feeling like everything would be ok. He then left and I was on my way. There was another scene with a murderer - a man like the Joker- but without the makeup, standing in an art gallery room alone with his head down. The door opened and an art teacher called out to him an then the murderer stabbed him in the neck and killed him. I don't know what triggered these dreams but I felt that being visited by Jesus in this one was meaningful to me and wanted to remember it here.